Quenda offers construction of public utility facilities and comprehensive solutions in the field of security and defense.

Business structure

Quenda is a group of Polish-owned private companies, established since 2016 and focused on the Angolan market. It currently consists of:

  • Quenda Business
    Initiative sp. z o.o.

    Polish registered company specialising in development and implementation of infrastructural projects and comprehensive supplies of technologies and equipment, supported by international financings.

  • Quenda sp. z o.o.

    registered in Poland and specialising in the field of defence and security.

  • Quenda Engenharia
    e Consultoria Lda.

    Angolan registered company providing advisory and civil construction services, also acting as local support for the Group’s Polish companies during their operations in Angola.

  • Our key advantages:

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    Permanent local presence in Angola and comprehensive knowledge of local market.

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    Highly qualified and experienced staff.

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    access to Polish market’s broad offer of know-how and supplies.

  • Our unique position enables us to respond precisely to our clients’ requirements, and to manage our projects with efficiency. Learn more about our activity.

Mission and Values

Quenda Group is driven by our passion for Angola and strong conviction about the country’s enormous economic and social potential.

We see our presence in Angola as a strong, long-term commitment. We attach great importance quality of our work so that we can take pride in our projects not just at the time of their completion but also during many years of their subsequent operation.

The dynamic growth of Quenda serves as proof that ethical business based on solid values and respect for partners is possible in any part of the world.


At Quenda, people are the most valuable asset. We value experience and other skills of our employees and create work environment in which everyone can take satisfaction and sense of pride in her/his work. We build a solid team taking into account unique characteristics of each member. For us, company’s growth is sustainable only when it translates itself into each employee’s personal growth. In our team, experienced senior staff, mostly from Poland comes together with young, talented Angolans. This is how we pave way to actual transfer of knowledge and experience, essential to unlock the enormous potential of human capital in Angola.

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  • Małgorzata Szymczuk

    • Founder and Managing Partner

      Started her career in international oil&gas industry as a specialist at the Research and Exploration Department of Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG SA) and later with Shell Poland.

      Since 2008 her professional life has been developing in Africa, where she first worked as an expert on UN with the embassy of Poland in Nairobi. Between 2009 and 2013 she was the consul of Poland in Luanda. In 2013 she was appointed as acting chargée d’affaires of Poland in Luanda. The embassy she was in charge of representing Polish interests in 6 countries of Central Africa with total area of ca. 4,7 m km² and population of over 143 m.

      Throughout her diplomatic career she considered a priority the promotion of economic and commercial cooperation between Poland and countries of Central Africa. She co-organized multiple Polish business missions to Angola and other countries of the region and supported Polish companies in their endeavours to enter African markets.

      She decided to end the diplomatic career to pursue new challenges in business. Using the vast experience acquired in Africa and a broad network of contacts, she developed the business model Quenda Group is based on.

  • Jacek Wasilewski

    • Founder and Managing Partner

      Has been professionally involved with Angola since 2004. He worked in the country as a university lecturer and a manager. He wrote several articles and books about Angola, Portuguese speaking countries and Southern Africa.

      Since 2008 he has been working on international construction projects in Africa. While working for Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs he supervised the implementation of projects under polish development cooperation programme in Kenya and Rwanda and afterwards in Angola and the Republic of Congo.

      Having concluded diplomatic career as a deputy head of mission at the Polish embassy in Luanda in 2012, he took part in the management of the construction and equipment of the Namibe Fishery and Marine Science Academy in Angola, considered to be the biggest Polish project in Africa. In 2017 he started a new chapter in his professional career by joining Quenda.

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  • Krzysztof Postoła

    • Chief Technical Officer

      Five decades of Krzysztof’s professional experience, which includes implementation of large-scale projects in Poland, Africa and the Middle East, is a significant contribution to the quality of Quenda’s undertakings. Having graduated from the Technical University of Gdańsk as Master of Civil Engineering specialized in hydraulic structures, went on to build an impressive portfolio, combining roles of designer and manager. He was chief designer of some of most significant infrastructural projects in Poland including the construction of water reservoir in Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, Deepwater Container Terminal – DCT in Gdańsk, container terminal in Ostrów Grabowski at the Port of Szczecin, refurbishing of Swedish Wharf at the Port of Gdynia or the construction of Large-scale Steel Structures’ Production Plant in Ostrów Brdowski, Szczecin. He also developed technical designs of the Central Sea Port in Gdańsk and of the cooling system of the first Polish nuclear power plant.

      Krzysztof’s first foreign assignment was in 1982 in Iraq. For 2 years he was designing and supervising the construction of an irrigating system in Al-Khalis district in Central Iraq, and supervised the construction 23 water treatment plants near Basra.
      At the end of 1990s he was involved in the project of expansion of Nigerdock shipyard in Lagos, Nigeria. Over the years he worked as chief engineer, designer and head advisor to the Contract Engineer, being responsible, i.a, for managing over 300 employees of local subcontractors, collaboration with a Dutch technical partner, relations with Nigerian authorities and supervision over the warranty period.

      In the following years he developed several projects in the field of maritime infrastructure in Libya. Krzysztof was the general designer in projects such as: the conversion of part of the port of Tripoli to a container terminal, construction of a fishing port in Garabulla, refurbishing and conversion of the Port of Derna. He was also active in Malta, designing Grand Harbour marina.

      Krzysztof’s professional involvement with Angola dates from 2011, when he developed technical specifications of the 2nd phase of construction and equipment of Namibe Fishery and Marine Science Academy (currently University of Namibe). Subsequently, as chief designer he was responsible for development of the entire technical documentation of the project. Between 2014 and 2016 he worked in Namibe supervising the construction works under the project. After few years of work in Poland, Krzysztof decided to return to Angola by joining Quenda. As the Group’s CTO he is based in Angola, where he coordinates the work of local teams and supervises other activities underway in Poland.

      His personal presence in Angola reflects the importance Quenda Group attributes to quality of its projects’ quality.

  • Scope of Activity

    Quenda Group’s activity consists of implementation of turn-key projects including:

    • dots elaboration of preliminary concepts;
    • dots development of complete implementation documentation;
    • dots execution of construction and assembly works as general contractor;
    • dots deliveries of materials and equipment;
    • dots start-up and management of completed facilities;
    • dots training and consultancy services related to the maintenance.

    We participate in public procurement in Angola in the following areas:

    • dots education and higher education;
    • dots defence and security;
    • dots public works;
    • dots energy and water supply.

    According to requirements of our clients we assist in sourcing financing for implementation of our projects.

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      Military objects

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      School facilities

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      Building designs

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Work in Progress Portfolio

Defence and security:

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  • Construction and equipment of the Regional Maritime Surveillance Centres in Lobito and Namibe

    The project is a part of Angola’s national programme of maritime security called “Kalunga”, which envisages creation of a modern, integrated system bolstering the country’s capability in the following aspects:

    • dots surveillance of sea traffic in the national waters;
    • dots protection of natural maritime resources;
    • dots security of economic activities at sea (fisheries, oil and gas offshore production);
    • dots countering illicit activities (poaching and illegal immigration);
    • dots reinforcing the security of maritime borders.
  • The programme is deemed a priority in the field of state security of Angola and its’ implementation is supervised by the President’s Office. Within the “Kalunga” programme, Quenda is executing two parallel contracts with the Angolan Ministry of National Defence, Former Combatants and Homeland Veterans, each of which provides for construction and equipment of a command and surveillance centre of covering a part of the coast – one located in Lobito, Benguela province and the other in Moçâmedes, Namibe province.

  • Colaborating closely with the Angolan party Quenda has developed the entire technical documentation. Currently, Quenda’s technical teams manage the works at the two construction sites, supervising local subcontractors and coordinating specialist technical teams from Polish suppliers. Quenda is also responsible for the Logistics, with most of material and equipment being imported from Poland.

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  • Construction and equipment of radar and relay stations in the provinces of Cuanza Sul, Benguela and Namibe.

    The project, along with the construction of the Regional Maritime Surveillance Centres in Lobito and Namibe, is a part of the “Kalunga” national maritime security programme. Under two contracts signed with the Ministry of National Defence, Former Combatants and Homeland Veterans, Quenda is responsible for designing, construction and fitting out of 6 radar stations and 11 relay stations located along the central and southern part of the coast, stretching over 700 kilometres in the provinces of Cuanza Sul, Benguela and Namibe.

Higher education:

  • Third phase of construction and equipment of the University of Namibe

    Quenda continues the tradition of Polish contribution to one of the most ambitious endeavors of the Government of Angola in the field of higher education: creation from scratch of a modern maritime oriented university in Namibe in the south of the country.

    Established in 2017 as the Namibe Academy of Fishery and Marine Sciences, in 2020 it was transformed into the University of Namibe, currently numbering more than 5000 students.

    The third phase of construction and equipment of the University of Namibe envisages completion of the existing campus to attain its projected functionality. The project consists of two major types of elements: construction of new facilities and services.

    The construction part includes design, construction and equipment of buildings, which are deemed essential for the academic community such as: library, auditory and offices for lecturers, canteen, clinic and sports centre along with expansion of the general infrastructure.

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  • The services include pedagogical support and international certification of the university (to be carried out in collaboration with a leading Polish scientific institution) as well as maintenance and technical assistance of the specialist equipment and installations. The project is financed by an export credit facility extended by Standard Chartered Bank and supported by the Polish export credit agency (ECA) – KUKE S.A. It’s the first project in which the Polish ECA is the sole guarantor.

    For the purpose of implementation of the project, Quenda Business Initiative sp. z o.o. as the General Contractor formed a consortium with Torhamer sp. z o.o. sp.k., a leading Polish engineering company specializing in infrastructure.

Our Partners

Quenda Group’s key clients are Angolan public administration bodies, including the Ministry of National Defence, Former Combatants and Homeland Veterans and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.
We cooperate with international banks and financial institutions such as Standard Chartered Bank, Kommunalkredit, Standard Bank and the Polish ECA – KUKE S.A. Among our partners are leading civil construction companies from Poland and Angola and with international suppliers of latest technologies and equipment, which participate in our projects as subcontractors and suppliers.

  • Logo Mescti
  • Logo Mind
  • Logo Stch
  • Logo Komm
  • Logo Kuke
  • Logo Torh
  • Logo Leon
  • Logo Ostr
  • Logo Esko
  • Logo Belo
  • Contact

    • Telephone and e-mail:

      phone_forwarded +48 574 710 101 (Poland)
      phone_forwarded +244 924 000 590 (Angola)
      mail office@quenda.pl

    • Address in Poland

      base pl

      ul. Zajęcza 15
      00-351 Warszawa

    • Polish Registered Companies' ID

      Quenda sp. z o.o.

      NIP: 5252714523
      REGON: 367549150
      KRS: 0000682793

    • Quenda Business
      Initiative sp. z o.o.

      NIP: 5252663257
      REGON: 364769833
      KRS: 0000624163

    • Address in Angola

      base an

      Belas Business Park
      torre Cuanza Norte
      2º andar, fracção 202
      via S10, Talatona

    • Angolan Registered Company's ID

      Quenda Engenharia e Consultoria Lda.

      NIF: 5001018809
      Registo comercial: 15.223 - 22/220428